Open Data

Met Éireann Open Data

As outlined in our strategy statement, Met Éireann is committed to the provision of Open Data in line with the national Open Data Strategy 2017-2022.


Creative Commons Attribution

Link to Creative Commons page.



Most datasets are available under a standard Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Met Éireann terms and conditions attached to the licence are available here.


Met Éireann data and its derivatives must be accredited with the following 5 statements.

  1. Copyright statement: Copyright Met Éireann
  2. Source
  3. Licence Statement: This data is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  4. Disclaimer: Met Éireann does not accept any liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the data, their availability, or for any loss or damage arising from their use.
  5. Where applicable, an indication if the material has been modified and an indication of previous modifications

See licence notice for an example.

Met Éireann Custom Licence

Met Éireann have a custom licence for certain datasets, principally ‘live’ forecast data. Further details can be found here.


Datasets will be published to the national open data portal as they become available. See here for further details. There are over 2,000 open data sets available, including historical measurements, current observations and forecasts. The most popular datasets include:

Weather Warnings

Met Éireann Weather Forecast API

Met Éireann Live Text Forecast Data

MÉRA (Met Éireann ReAnalysis) Climate Reanalysis

Latest Observations

Rainfall Radar

Public Service Data Catalogue

The Public Service Data Catalogue aims to promote openness and transparency around the data held by the public service by cataloguing and describing public Service data. Met Éireann’s datasets are detailed here


Queries on open data can be forward to the Open Data Liaison Officer, details here