Major Weather Events

Past weather and climate events are also reported on in our Latest News and also within our Storm Centre.

2024 Sun 21 Jan 2024 Violent Storm Isha
2023 Annual 2023 confirmed as Ireland’s wettest and warmest year on record
2022 July 2022 Highest Temperature Recorded in Ireland since 1887
2022 Fri 18 Feb 2022 Violent Storm Eunice
2021 Tue 7 Dec 2021 Violent Storm Barra
2020 Wed 19 Aug 2020 Violent Storm Ellen
2018 Summer Heatwaves and Drought
2018 28 Feb – 4 Mar Snow Storm Emma
2017 16 October Violent Storm Ophelia
2014 12 February Hurricane-Force Storm Darwin
2013/14 Winter Winter Storms
2011 24 October Heavy Rainfall in the greater Dublin Area
2010 Nov/Dec Severe Cold Spell
2009/10 Winter Coldest winter for almost 50 years
2009 November Severe flooding in many parts of the country.
2008 Summer Heavy rain and flooding
2006 Summer Warmest summer since record breaking year of 1995
2003 19 September Flooding/Landslide at Pollatomish
2002 14 November Severe flooding in eastern areas
2002 1 February Coastal flooding along the eastern and southern coasts
2000 5 November Severe flooding in east and southeast
1998 26 December Hurricane force winds over north and northwest
1998 December Flooding along Blackwater
1997 24 December Windstorm
1997 3-6 August Extensive flooding in southeast and south
1995 Summer Warmest Summer on record
1995 17 March A tornado in the Summerhill area of Co Meath
1993 11 June Flooding in Dublin/Kildare area
1991 5 January Windstorm
1990 February Storms and heavy rain
1989 27-28 Oct Heavy Rainfall in the West and Northwest
1988 9 February Storm Force winds over Ireland
1987 21 October Flooding in northern areas
1987 January Heavy Snowfall
1986 August Storm – Hurricane Charley
1985 25-26 July Widespread thunderstorms
1982 January Heavy snowfall in eastern areas
1980 1-2 Nov Prolonged and heavy Rainfall in the West and SW
1979 13-16 August Fastnet yacht race
1974/5/6 June-August Dry Period Oct 1974 to Aug 1976
1976 2 January Storm
1974 11-12 January Severe storm caused widespread damage
1973 27-30 Nov Floods in south and southwest
1963 11 June Severe thunderstorm in Dublin
1963 January Severe Cold Spell
1961 16 September Storm – Hurricane Debbie
1954 December Widespread Floods
1947 Jan-March Cold Spell with snowfalls
1944 6 June Forecasting D-Day landings
1927 28 October Major storm off the west coast
1917 Jan – April Heavy Snowfalls
1903 18-27 Feb Storm causing widespread damage
1845/47 Irish Famine
1839 6-7 January The Night of the Big Wind
1802 December Severe Dublin Flooding
1798 Summer Exceptionally fine and warm

Early Irish weather records(PDF)

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