Exciting new features on the Met Éireann App are being rolled out this week in a phased update. This update should be available to download in all smartphone and tablet app store by the end of the second week in March, 1see note for iOS 12 users.
In June 2022 we added more hourly forecast information to the location forecast ‘meteogram’ on www.met.ie, and now we are bringing that extra information over to the app.
The Met Éireann app is consistently the #1 Top free Weather app in Ireland2 with approximately 120k users daily and about 500k hourly forecasts are requested daily! We are delighted to increase the information and features available to the Irish public for this popular and easy to use forecast.
This new version of the app will have some new features:
- A more condensed Outlook section on the home screen. As before, the ‘Today’ panel shows the daily weather symbol for mid-day displayed in the morning. After noon it displays the 6pm symbol, and after that it displays the midnight symbol, with the noon symbol for all subsequent days. All times are in UTC. It will now also show the maximum/minimum temperature forecast. Tap each day to view the hourly forecasts for that day!
- The hourly forecasts design has been updated with new forecasts added including Sunrise and Sunset hours, % Chance of precipitation per hour, Gust, ‘Feels Like’ temperature, Humidity, Dew Point temperature and mean sea level Pressure. You can find out more information on the forecasts by tapping the ‘i’ button on the Detailed Forecast for a summary – with further information available at Forecast Explained
- You can jump to other days a lot quicker with the Prev and Next buttons – and the forecast goes to 10 days ahead.
- We’ve added the latest high-resolution visible ‘clouds’ Satellite image of Ireland to the app home screen, under Current Conditions (from the nearest weather station). This map changes to the infrared (IR) image during the hours of darkness
- We’ve added more options to the app menu – with links to pages on met.ie including UV Index, our daily ‘Weather Forecast from Met Éireann’ podcast and the new Mountains Forecast.

New Outlook display with new max/min temperature forecast. Tap each day to see the forecast. Image source: the Met Éireann app via iOS App store

New hourly forecast design with more information. Image source: the Met Éireann app via Google Play store
1This update is not compatible with iPhone 5/6 devices running OS version 12, we hope to resolve this issue in a further update shortly.
2From the Top free Weather apps table for Ireland in both Google Play Store and Apple app store – 13th March 2023