Sea Area Forecast

Forecast valid from: 00:00, Sunday 08 September 2024 until 00:00, Monday 09 September 2024

Small Craft Warning

North to northwesterly winds reaching force 6 or higher will develop later tonight on Irish coasts from Mizen Head to Loop Head to Rossan Point, gradually extending to remaining Irish coasts during Sunday.

Gale Warning


Meteorological Situation at 21:00 UTC

Low Pressure of 1007 hPa, centred over the English Channel, extends a humid light to moderate northeasterly airflow across Ireland. A strengthening northerly airflow will develop over the country on Sunday.

Small Craft Warning: In effect

Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil

Wave Height Forecast

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Malin Head to Wicklow Head to Mizen Head and for the Irish Sea

Wind: Northerly or variable 2 to 4. Increasing north to northwest force 3 to 5 imminent. Soon increasing force 4 to 6, and later increasing force 6 or 7 and gusty.

Weather: Cloudy to fair with patchy rain and drizzle developing. Mist and fog too.

Visibility: Decreasing moderate to poor in rain, mist or fog.

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Mizen Head to Erris Head to Malin Head

Wind: Northerly force 4 or 5. Increasing force 5 or 6 imminent.

Weather: Cloudy with patchy rain, drizzle, mist and fog. Becoming cloudy to fair later.

Visibility: Decreasing moderate to poor in rain, mist or fog.

Outlook for a further 24 hours until 00:00, Tuesday 10 September 2024

Fresh to near gale force northwest winds, backing westerly, decreasing moderate to fresh for a time, before increasing fresh or strong to near gale force later. Fair for a time. Turning cloudy with rain and drizzle later.

Forecast issued at: 00:00, Sunday 08 September 2024

All times are local unless specified