Réamhaisnéis limistear na farraige

Forecast valid from: 00:00, Saturday 27 July 2024 until 00:00, Sunday 28 July 2024

Small Craft Warning

South to southwest winds will occasionally reach force 6 for a time overnight (Friday into Saturday) on coasts from Mizen Head to Loop Head to Slyne Head.

Gale Warning


Meteorological Situation at 21:00 UTC

A moderate to fresh south to southwest airflow covers Ireland. A weak depression of 1004 hPa approaches from the west. An associated occluded front will move eastwards across Ireland overnight and early on Saturday morning,

Small Craft Warning: In effect

Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil

Wave Height Forecast

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Dungarvan to Valentia to Erris Head

Wind: South to southwest force 4 or 5 and reaching force 6 for a time between Mizen Head and Erris Head, veering west to northwest imminent, later decreasing force 3 or 4.

Weather: Rain overnight. Scattered showers following and dying out later on Saturday.

Visibility: Moderate or poor in rain or showers, otherwise good.

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Erris Head to Bloody Foreland to Fair Head

Wind: South to southeast or variable force 2 to 4, later veering northwest to north and decreasing force 3 or less towards the end of the period.

Weather: Rain overnight. Scattered showers following for much of Saturday.

Visibility: Moderate or poor in rain or showers, otherwise good.

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Fair Head to Howth Head to Dungarvan and for the Irish Sea

Wind: South to southwest force 3 or 4, later decreasing force 3 or less.

Weather: Rain overnight and for a time on Saturday morning. Scattered showers.

Visibility: Moderate or poor in rain or showers, otherwise good.

Outlook for a further 24 hours until 00:00, Monday 29 July 2024

Moderate south to southwest winds on west and north coasts. Light to moderate north to northeast winds on east and south coasts, becoming moderate to fresh southerly on all coasts on Sunday afternoon and evening. Fair weather

Forecast issued at: 00:00, Saturday 27 July 2024

All times are local unless specified