MET News

04ú Meán Fómhair 2024

Climate Statement for Summer 2024

Cool and relatively dry overall, wetter in the Nor... léigh níos mó

03ú Meán Fómhair 2024

Climate Statement for August 2024

Cool and wet in the Northwest, warmer and drier in... léigh níos mó

29ú Lúnasa 2024

Met Éireann releases storm names for the 2024/25 season

Storm names increase public preparedness for extre... léigh níos mó

16ú Lúnasa 2024

Atlantic Hurricane Season 2024 – What can we expect?

Issued  16th August 2024 At the end of June, the ... léigh níos mó

16ú Lúnasa 2024

The Irish Times and Met Éireann Showcasing Ireland’s Changing Climate

Communicating the changing climate in Ireland to t... léigh níos mó

02a Lúnasa 2024

Climate Statement for July 2024

Cool and relatively dry Overall (using provisiona... léigh níos mó

23ú Iúil 2024

Registration Open for International COSMOS Workshop on 24-26 September 2024

*In person registration closes 30.8* 7th Internati... léigh níos mó

10ú Iúil 2024

2023 confirmed as Ireland’s wettest year on record

2023 finished narrowly wetter than 2009 and 2015, ... léigh níos mó

02a Iúil 2024

Climate Statement for June 2024

Cool and dry Overall (using the Island of Ireland... léigh níos mó

25ú Meitheamh 2024

WMO’s 'Early Warnings for All' road map gets green light, led by Met Éireann Director

A detailed road map to provide early warnings agai... léigh níos mó

24ú Meitheamh 2024

Met Éireann launches TRANSLATE report

Release of the TRANSLATE research report: A ‘ste... léigh níos mó

21ú Meitheamh 2024

Met Éireann supports Women in Stem campaign

In recognition of Met Éireann championing gender ... léigh níos mó

06ú Meitheamh 2024

Blacksod Point and the D-Day Forecast

If you travel to Erris in North Mayo, past the tow... léigh níos mó

06ú Meitheamh 2024

Climate Statement for Spring 2024

Very mild, wet and dull Overall (using the Islan... léigh níos mó

04ú Meitheamh 2024

Climate Statement for May 2024

Warmest May on record. Calm, dull and thundery at ... léigh níos mó

21ú Bealtaine 2024

Human-caused Climate Change Brings Increased Storm Rainfall

Published, May 22nd 2024 Human-induced climate cha... léigh níos mó

15ú Bealtaine 2024

We Are Recruiting for Meteorological Officers

Met Éireann, Ireland’s National Meteorological... léigh níos mó