MET News

27ú Iúil 2018

July sees extreme weather with high impacts

Extreme weather, including record temperatures and... léigh níos mó

23ú Iúil 2018

Report on the Recent Warm Weather

– Updated 18th July 2018. A preliminary repo... léigh níos mó

11ú Iúil 2018

WMO report: July sees extreme precipitation and heat

Diamond Hill – Anca Turcu High impact weathe... léigh níos mó

04ú Iúil 2018

Ensemble Prediction Systems: Representing Chaos in the Atmosphere

Numerical weather prediction (or NWP), the process... léigh níos mó

22ú Meitheamh 2018

Weather Forecast Outlook & Water Safety Advice

Friday 22nd June 2018: This spell of dry, warm wea... léigh níos mó

18ú Bealtaine 2018

First MÉRA Reanalysis Workshop - presentation slides available

Over the past few years researchers at Met Éirean... léigh níos mó

14ú Bealtaine 2018

IMS Annual Field Trip 2018

The Irish Meteorological Society (IMS) in conjunct... léigh níos mó

10ú Bealtaine 2018

Global and Irish Climate Modelling

The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IP... léigh níos mó

03ú Bealtaine 2018

"Grand day for it": how forecasting as conversation can speak beyond weather and climate

The next evening lecture in the Irish Meteorologic... léigh níos mó

01d Bealtaine 2018

Climate change and its role in extreme weather events in Europe

Extreme weather events occur across the majority o... léigh níos mó

27ú Aibreán 2018

The Wind that Shakes the Island: an Irish perspective on Windstorms and Hurricanes

  The Irish Meteorological Society (IMS) in c... léigh níos mó

23ú Aibreán 2018

Met Éireann Launch of New Website- and Apps on 18th April

  18/04/2018 Minister Eoghan Murphy launches... léigh níos mó

21ú Márta 2018

Event - 13th of April: "The Wind that Shakes the Island"

The Irish Meteorological Society is pleased to ann... léigh níos mó

15ú Márta 2018

New Buoy Records

Buoy Records Broken The M6 buoy recorded a record ... léigh níos mó

14ú Márta 2018

Valentia Observatory awarded WMO Centennial Observing Station status

Valentia Observatory was recently recognised as a ... léigh níos mó

16ú Eanáir 2018

Weather summary for December 2017

December 2017 Unsettled, mild at times, but colder... léigh níos mó

18ú Deireadh Fómhair 2017

Rabhaidh Aimsire

Met Éireann is the Irish National Meteorological ... léigh níos mó

07ú Meán Fómhair 2017

Met Éireann conference: Future Weather, Future Challenges

Full registration details and programme coming so... léigh níos mó